Join us!

Stop blindness in children

In the world of gene - and stem cell therapy, there are hopeful medical developments, but there is a great need for funds to support research in these rare eye disease. Large pharmaceutical companies are generally not interested in funding this research.

By donating to OOG you can help in the fight against blindness in children.

You can help in 3 different ways :

Structurally in the way of a ‘package’

By entering into a 5 year contract with Amsterdam UMC Foundation, your donations are fully deductible for Dutch Tax, without a threshold deduction. The Amsterdam UMC Foundation will invoice and collect the donation yearly. The entire proceeds of the donations are used for eye research, without any deductions for non-research (e.g. administrative) costs.

Choose your ‘package’ to suit your own resources from the following :

  • 2.500 Euro annually
  • 1.000 Euro annually
  • 500 Euro annually

Download the registration form for a yearly donation here.

Incidental donation

It is also possible to donate incidentally, or pay a smaller monthly amount. We are grateful for all contributions. Our donation form can be used for this. 

Organize a fundraising event

If you wish to organize an event to raise funds, we can advise you on how to organize and optimize your initiative. A lot of experience has been gathered by our team over the last years, and we will gladly share our experience with you.

Ways to help

Would you like to help in the fight against blindness in children?
Lidmaatschap Genootschap
Structural contribution of at least 500 euros via a periodic donation. Please contact Rob Bruins without obligation
One-time donation
You can use our donation form for this
Organize a fundraising event
Please contact Rob Bruins, (+31 6 51 39 67 18)

Frequently asked questions

  • How does a structural donation work?
    Fill out the digitally available form at the top of this page to apply for a structural donation.
    On receipt an employee of Amsterdam UMC Foundation will contact you to formalize the registration, and agree on how to make the donation.
  • Is my donation tax deductable in my income tax declaration?

    Donations with a structural character are the best way to enable the continuation of eye disease research, necessary to achieve results. This is why we are asking for donations on a 5 year basis. An added advantage is that your gift is often eligible for 100% tax deduction.
    You can read more about this on the website of the Dutch Tax Board (Belastingdienst).

  • How is a structural donation beneficial to me?

    By donating on a structural basis you become an important partner in the fight against blindness in children.
    Research and innovation are the only way in which to find a way to cure or stop these life disrupting disorders.
    This is probably the most important reason for you to make a donation.

